Weight Loss

Understanding the Weight Loss Challenge

So many people have spent years fighting with their weight. They have tried all kinds of different diets, joined gyms, gone to support groups, been hypnotized, had their ears stapled, or even gone through major surgery in an effort to lose weight. Yet so many people continue to yo-yo, losing weight but then gaining it right back again. The reasons for this are individual and many, but all revolve around the same theme: we haven’t changed ourselves. We all understand the importance of “Lifestyle Modifications,” but experience difficulty modifying our lives when we are so busy with so many things pulling us in so many different directions.

Weight Loss

Why Do We Eat?

It’s easy to answer that question by saying “we need nutrition to survive.” But being overweight means that we are taking in more nutrients than we need, which our bodies store as fat. So really, why do we eat? We eat because we’re bored. We eat because we’re celebrating. We eat because it’s noon. We eat because there’s food still on the table. None of these reasons are good reasons for eating, but these reasons do tell us why we eat. Eating has become our system of rewards. We all need reward systems to make us happier. The neuroreceptors in our brains respond to certain stimuli and these stimuli can make us feel happier. These are rewards systems. We can use food as a system of rewards by a simple bolus of calories. We can all think of what our favorite foods are. Why are these foods our favorites? Because they stimulate our rewards systems the most potently and we are using these to make ourselves happier.

Effective Weight Loss Strategies

Behavioral Modification Program by Dr. Michael DiGiovanna

So how do I lose weight and keep it off? Dr. Michael DiGiovanna, through years of experience and research, has developed a behavioral modification program. This program uses a regimen of behavioral modifications accompanied by certain nutritional supplements and prescription medications to help extinguish food as a rewards system replacing the food reward system with healthier and long-acting reward systems. Behavioral modification takes time and effort. Through an ongoing support program administered by the DiGiovanna Family Health & Wellness Center, these lifestyle modifications can be accomplished leading to a steady weight loss.

Medication and Ongoing Support

Medications will need to be adjusted as patients lose weight, often decreasing the need for medications for diabetes, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol. These medication changes are part of our ongoing support program for weight loss. Once our patients reach their goal weight, we work with these patients to help them come off as many medications as are safe and feasible, while maintaining the behavioral support aimed at maintaining the weight already lost.

Dr. Michael DiGiovanna, DO

Get Started Today

So many people have already been helped by this program for so many years. Call today to schedule your evaluation and receive a further explanation of how this program can work for you.