The DiGiovanna Family Health and Wellness Center has a long tradition of promoting wellness to our patients.  The nutritional supplement market is a multi-billion dollar industry with little governmental regulation and even less guidance to patients seeking its benefits.  Very often, patients seeking guidance on which supplements to take seek advice from a store clerk who is trained to sell supplements and vitamins but has very little, if any, knowledge of human anatomy, physiology or pathology.  Patients often turn to the internet as their source of information for vitamins and supplements, usually ending in frustration, misunderstanding, misdirection and inappropriate administration of these supplements and minerals.  Because of this lack of true guidance, we have seen many examples where patients are overdosing on a certain vitamin or mineral simply because the patient was not aware that it was contained in numerous of their supplements.  Medical school educations do little to fix this problem.  Very little time is spent educating future physicians in nutrition, nutritional supplements or vitamins.

     We at the DiGiovanna Family Health and Wellness Center have spent many years studying and learning about the importance and nuances of nutrition, nutritional supplements, vitamin therapy and complementary medicine.  We have incorporated this knowledge into everything we do and it has become part of our routine practice of medicine.  This can be seen in the Annual Wellness Examinations we perform, the Men’s & Women’s Health Programs, the Geriatric Health Programs, the Cardiovascular Programs, the Gastroenterology Programs, and our Weight Loss Programs.

     Despite our working knowledge of nutrition and supplementation, the DiGiovanna Family Health and Wellness Center also relies heavily on our nutritional team.  Led by Peter Roth with over 25 years of experience in the field of Functional Nutrition and Complementary Medicine, our nutritional management team excels in assisting our patients in understanding the processes going on in their bodies and what they can do to assist these functions and help to improve them.  Peter offers 90 minute nutritional consultations where he goes over all of our patients’ blood work, nutritional tests, discusses their diets and makes pointed suggestions on specific nutritional supplements which would benefit the individual patient.  His fee for all these services is $200, inclusive.  We also include Peter’s services in several of our Annual Wellness Examinations.

     The DiGiovanna Family Health and Wellness Center also recognizes that it is not possible to get every vitamin, nutritional supplement and mineral an individual needs from one source.  This is why we have accounts at over 10 different nutraceutical companies, 8 different clinical laboratories and even a compounding pharmacy to make the special medications that cannot be found elsewhere, all at the best rate to our patients.  All of these wellness-related companies have been carefully vetted by our team of nutritional consultants for quality, purity and safety.


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Countless patients have benefited from osteopathic manipulative medicine over the years. Contact us today to schedule your consultation and learn how this approach can enhance your health and well-being.